A versatile, unisex poncho made out of alpaca wool from South America.

The  ALL-PACA™ PONCHO is the perfect outer garment for changeable weather and a wide range of outdoor activities.

The Best Wool Has to Offer

I like alpaca for the same reasons I like wool from sheep: it’s great at keeping me warm, it naturally resists dirt and odors, and it’s breathable. I love the soft, knubby feel of the ALL-PACA™ PONCHO. The lightweight woven fabric is more substantial than a merino shirt but thinner than sweatshirt fabric. So, it drapes nicely across my body and never feels too heavy or binding. 

It’s also a very attractive garment. I tested a dark grey/black poncho with thin red stripes. It’s quite a striking look with a red wool cap. The ALL-PACA™ website shows several ways to wear the poncho if you need ideas. I’m not that creative; I just pull it over my head and go!

I’ve been wearing the ALL-PACA™ PONCHO for so many outings. It’s ideal for sitting by the lake at night when the sun goes down. It’s perfect for car trips when I want to cuddle inside it and sleep while someone else drives. It’s just the ticket for watching my friends’ kids’ soccer games as the cold fall air is starting to assert itself. It’s also my favorite piece to throw on when I finish a swim in the lake and need to get warm fast. 

Cozy Without Confining

For sitting in the cold and for light activity, the ALL-PACA™ PONCHO is one of my top choices for outerwear because it is large enough to feel like I’m wrapped in my favorite blanket—wherever I go. I tend to fluctuate between too hot and too cold, so a poncho feels more comfortable to me than the confines of a jacket. I love the loose hood for the same reason.

The poncho is quite wide and also comes down to my hips, so it provides a lot of coverage. I love wearing my  ALL-PACA™ PONCHO so much that I’m already pestering friends to plan some winter get-a-ways so I can stay in the cabin in my poncho with a pot of tea and a good book!


  • Made in the U.S.A. out of 100% alpaca baby fleece All-Paca™ Fabric.
  • One size fits most. 
  • Colors: three striped styles, including, End of the Line, Horizon, and Lake Blue.


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