Pro-Tec Athetics Roller Massager: A Magic Wand for Muscles

22" long roller-style massager

This super portable yet heavy duty massage tool travels with me on the road and to rehearsal because I can’t afford to see my massage therapist as often as I’d like.

woman using roller massager on her leg

The Pro-Tec Athletics Roller Massager can do what thumbs and fingers just can’t, and my IT band is here to swear to that. More than a few years ago, while on touring for four months with a dance/theater show that my wife and I created, I decided I’d also train for a marathon. Running is one of the best ways I’ve found to explore new cities and I was doing a LOT of exploring. The reviews we got from theater critics were great, but the review I got from the PT I saw when my leg locked up between shows one day was not. I had the most serious case of iliotibial tendonitis he had ever seen.

A regimen of stretching, strengthening and deep massage, got me back on stage, and years later, I’ve become a little bit wiser and a lot more proactive about keeping my body healthy. Now, whether on break at the studio or while sitting at my desk at home, I almost habitually grab this magic wand for a few passes over whatever needs attention on my legs.

The solid construction of the 22″ Pro-Tec Athletics massager allows me to push as hard as I want (Get that, IT band!) without fear of snapping or bending the core, which I’ve done more than once with other rollers. The high density foam rings allow me to apply the pressure precisely without bruising. In addition, the Vynafoam™ handgrips are not only comfortable even when working on my legs for a long session, but with their rounded ends, they also double as a trigger point tools, allowing me (or a friend if my back needs help), to focus on precise areas that need releasing. 

I do have other massage tools (my wife and I have collected a whole basket of them over years as athletes and professional dancers), but since I bike almost everywhere I go and have to pack intentionally, the The Pro-Tec Athletics Roller Massager is the one that I usually slip into my backpack to ensure a happy ending to my ride.

Bottom Line:  For versatility, durability, and portability, this massage tool does the trick. (Also available in 17.5″ travel size.)

Manufacturer’s Site:

icon that points to purchase link and says "buy now"  $27.95-29.90 at (travel size and standard size)

Photos by Brian Sostek. Product photo from