New Wave Launchpad Triathlon Transition Mat

Several months ago, New Wave sent me some swim buoys to test during my open water swims. They also added a few extras in the box that I am just now starting to use, including their Launchpad Triathlon Transition Mat.

Get Organized

The neoprene Launchpad is roughly 31 in X 17.5 in and covered with a brightly colored microfiber fabric bearing a bold wave design (available in pink or blue). Triathletes use such mats to lay out and organize their gear for the next event in a race. I use it to transition from open water swimming to driving home in my car.

Protect Your Feet

The Launchpad sat in the box for months because I don’t do triathlons, and didn’t think I had use for it. Then I got tired of my feet freezing after every swim, so I pulled it out of the box and brought it on my next swim. It rolls nicely and fits into my swim bag like a treat. How simple. A dry place, free of sticks and stones, to put my feet instead of on wet sand or wet concrete. It makes a big difference in winter cold.

Removing a wetsuit and accessories is no simple task. I do it as quickly as possible, so by the time I’m in my warm gear, there is wet gear strewn all over the mat. Because my bright pink mat contrasts with my black water gear, I can quickly spot where things are and get them into my wet bag. Then all I need to do is a quick check for any items left behind. Before I used the Launchpad I left a few things behind sometimes, and I HATE losing things. Now the mat gives me both a routine and a visual that help me keep track of everything.

Put Down a Protection Layer

New Wave recommends using the mat in locker rooms, which I think is a great idea. I wrote a book on foot care, and I can tell you there are some nasty things on locker room floors! They also recommend bringing the Launchpad on outdoor dates. “Put it in your picnic basket to have an elegant place to sit down with your date for a quick baguette while listening to French accordion music.” Lovely!

Now that I’m using the Launchpad for my swims, it has become one of those items I toss in the trunk when I go anywhere outdoors. I like having a stable, dry place to put my feet. It works better than a towel and requires less washing

Bottom Line

A handy item for athletes, exercisers, or anyone who would like a dry place to sit or stand while enjoying the outdoors.

Manufacturer’s Site:

icon that points to purchase link and says "buy now" $24.95 available at Amazon


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