Evolv Bandit Rock Climbing Shoes

The Evolv Bandit Rock Climbing Shoes have opened up new possibilities in my climbing, thanks to the snug yet comfortable construction and its strong, edgy toe box. With the Bandit shoes on my feet, I can relax my grip and stand with confidence on almost any size foothold.

The Evolv Bandit Rock Climbing Shoes are great for cragging and all-around climbing. I first got to try out the Bandit shoes on a long weekend in Lander, Wyoming’s Sinks Canyon. My wife and I traded leads for two perfect October days, working our way through classic, pocketed and crimpy climbs. I found that these shoes edged incredibly well compared with the more “trad” style shoes that I was used to using. I could stand and maneuver my body on tiny limestone edges and pockets, relying on the robust and sticky rubber edge and slightly downturned toe to hold true. On this trip, I was happy to find that the Evolv Bandit Rock Climbing Shoes allowed me to climb at a half grade higher than my typical limit.

Last week in the gym, I really got to know and love the Evolv Bandit Rock Climbing Shoes.  I was nursing an injured pulley tendon after my Lander trip, so after a few weeks’ rest, I hit the gym to continue to recover on mellow grades and big holds. With only one fully operational hand, I made a game out of climbing with this limitation, and found that my Evolv Bandit Rock Climbing Shoes were up for the challenge as I relied heavily on my feet to stick to the wall, lunging from one hold to another with my right arm. With my feet fully engaged, I was able to realize the Bandit’s full potential. I feel more confident in my footwork thanks to these shoes.

Evolv designs shoes to match the many foot types in the world of climbing. They sell shoes with different toe boxes, symmetry, and lasts, as well as narrow and wide widths, and even offer different sizes for folks like me. My right foot, which is a half size larger then the left, is thankful for this option, because with Evolv’s split sizing, I no longer have to sacrifice the comfort or performance of either foot.

My Evolv Bandit Rock Climbing Shoes may be a little more expensive than other similar brands and styles when you factor in the added cost of split sizing, but it is definitely worth the investment. The Bandit shoe is a great all-around shoe that I found to be effective for gym, sport, and shorter multi-pitch climbs. With a flat profile, standard asymmetric fit, mid-stiff sole, and reinforced rubber in high use zones, the Bandit shoes fall in the middle of Evolv’s lineup of options, striking a happy balance between comfort and performance.

The Evolv Bandit Rock Climbing Shoes are offered in half sizes from 4 to 13.5, in a classy red, grey, and black color design. The Bandit shoes have laces, while the Bandit SC shoe features a Velcro-style closure system for an additional $10.

Bottom line: The Bandit shoes bring new meaning to the phrase, “trust your feet”, no matter what the size and shape of your feet may be.

Manufacturer: www.evolvsports.com

buy-now $88 -110, ($140 for split sizes available from Evolv)
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